
Gangadhar bhatta (first architect of nepal )

Nepal’s First Architect   Ar.Gangadhar Bhatta ‘Haluwe’    ● Gangadhar was Born on 30th April 1936. He was nicknamed ‘Bachhu’ by his family.  ● He earned his B.Arch. degree from Calcutta University after doing his I.Sc from Trichandra College and S.L.C from Padmodaya High School in Kathmandu.  ● Bhatta became the first man in Nepal to obtain an architectural degree and joined the Bhawan Bibhag soon after.  ● Gangadhar chose to study architecture in place of engineering as it would have been expected considering that the latter profession was more firmly established and better viewed as a reputed one ● He is considered as “The founder of modern architecture in Nepal”. He said, “The day I stop being modern, I might as well stop being an architect.”  ● He also believed that every item in nature has a purpose as he was an admirer of Frank Lloyd Wright. ● He won the first prize of Rs.5000 in the open design competition for the Rashtriya Panchayat Bhavan. ● He demised at the age of 72 years i